Our regular worship services are held on Sunday mornings at 9AM. If there is a cancellation or change due to weather, or a change in location, please check our Facebook page, or the weather closings on KWQC News Channel 6. During the week, we follow the North Scott High School closures for inclement weather.


Adult Sunday School (after Sunday services, in the church library)
Children’s Sunday School (during Sunday services, in the classrooms)

Prayer Opportunities

Prayer Request


Become a Pastor’s Prayer Partner


Latest News


Contact Us

Office Hours: Tuesday – Friday | 8:30AM – 12:30PM

Office Phone: 563-285-4314

Pastor: Rev. Jim Shrimplin | pastorjim71@gmail.com
Office Manager | eldridgeumc@csteldridge.com
Office Assistant | nancyumc@csteldridge.com
Treasurer | treasurerumc604@gmail.com