Opportunities to Serve
Worship Ministry
- Worship Committee
- Acolyte (Age 10 or older)
- Liturgist
- Lead a children’s message
- Pianist
- Join the EUMC Choir
- Provide special music (vocal, instrumental, dance)
- Communion steward/server
- Assist with worship multi-media (advance slides during worship, record video, manage audio)
Hospitality Ministry
- Serve has a host/greeter
- Prepare and serve snakes for fellowship time
- clean-up assistance after fellowship time
- set-up/tear down special events
Outreach Ministry
- Missions Committee
- Join the North Scott Food Pantry assistance team
- Churches United meal (formerly Salvation Army meals)
Youth Ministry
- CYFM Committee
- Lead or teach Sunday School
- Sunday School assistant/helper
- Nursery Attendant
- Plan and manage special youth events
- Plan/host a youth shared meal
- Youth Group leader
- Assist or chaperone youth group activities
- Provide transportation for youth events
- Summer Club
- The Club
Adult Spiritual Ministry
- Lead or participate in an adult Bible Study
- Lead or participate in a small group activity or program
- Create or assist in an adult mission trip
Event Ministry
- Assist with the EUMC Annual Children’s Bazaar
- Assist with the annual Rummage Sale
- Assist with seasonal decorating
- Join the set-up/tear down of special events
- Assist in the preparation and serving of special meals (funerals, celebrations, pot-lucks, etc.)
Friendship & Fellowship Ministry
- TLC Committee
- Send welcome postcards to visitors
- Visit hospitalized & or homebound members
- Visit nursing home residents
- Provide weekday transportation
- Provide transportation to/from church services & events
- Send greeting/birthday cards
Office Assistance
- Fill-in receptionist
- Become Office Manager
- Maintain church sign
- Manage the church library (organizing/filing/re-shelving)
- Assist Office Manager with bulletins & mailings
- Assist Office Manager with phone messages & calling
- Administrative Council
- Trustee Committee
- Worship Committee
- Missions Committee
- SPPRC Committee
- CYFM Committee
- TLC Committee
- Stewardship/Finance Committee